Experts in privacy, security & data management.

Achieve privacy compliance, strong information security and
well-managed data without obstructing your business.



CRANIUM helps your company become, be and remain privacy compliant, so you meet obligations towards customers & employees while reaping the benefits of correct data processing.


Data breaches, phishing attacks, and hackers still taboo in your company? As Cybersecurity is of utmost importance to protect your company’s image and existence, CRANIUM helps you gain and improve awareness at your own pace.


Want to become a data-driven organisation that uses data in the most efficient way? CRANIUM will be your partner in reaching that next level.

Are these challenges hitting close to home?

Struggling to find the necessary resources to effectively manage your privacy- and information security needs?

Often feel like there’s never enough time to tackle complex data governance challenges?

Struggling with an internal lack of security- and/or privacy awareness?

Struggling to stay up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations, leaving you at risk of non-compliance?

Difficulty to develop and implement effective data governance, privacy or security strategies?

Not enough hands to handle privacy or security issues?

Featured solutions.

Learn where you stand in your journey towards Privacy compliance.


We got you! With our Privacy audit we’ll do the work for you. We figure out where your gaps are, what you can improve or what you should change to be compliant and secure.

Mitigate risks and protect your business from digital dangers.


Flat image for ISO 27001

Consider starting an ISO 27001 implementation trajectory to protect your organisation from cyberattacks. Added bonus: gain trust from potential clients and stakeholders.

Attain peace of mind with an outsourced DPO or privacy consultant at your service.


Flat image for DPO as a Service

No resources to appoint your own internal DPO or in need of an extra set of hands? Our external DPOs and privacy professionals can help you stay on track and face privacy challenges. 



  • We provide profound end-to-end solutions on tactical and operational level by building bridges between legal, it and business.


  • We deliver professional resources from our certified team to offer the best support from operational to strategical level.


  • We use a holistic approach to make sure all different actors involved in the processing of data are included.


  •  We raise awareness around privacy, security & data management by providing trainings, e-learnings & simulations.