Phishing par SMS

Our Solution

Put your employees to the test and see where they stand in terms of their security awareness knowledge and skills! We simulate real-life sms phishing  and train your employees on the spot: how to recognise a phishing sms? How to report a phishing sms?

Our Packages


You are a small or medium sized organization?

You want to target a team within your organization?

Pay per employee:

€ 5,75/target


You are a bigger organization and want to target over 500 employees?

Get your bulk deal!

From € 500/Phish


Fully customized

Phish and thorough reporting?

Create a scenario that your organization is most prone to encounter and have a and have a customized landing page.

From € 900/Phish

What does a Phishing Simulation look like?

Your phishing simulation will mimic a realistic scenario and can be any of the following:

  • Spear Phishing
  • CEO Fraud
  • Whaling
  • Clone Phishing
  • Password Steal

What will the participants uncover?

Phishing simulations are a fast and effective way to educate users how to:

  • Recognise Phishing indicators
  • Recognise suspicious URL’s
  • Recognise suspicious attachments
  • How to report a phishing SMS
  • Adopt best-practices