CRANIUM GDPR Audit | Independent verification of your GDPR compliance efforts.



Independent verification of your GDPR compliance efforts.

The past few years, you’ve been working diligently on your GDPR compliance. Your dedication has brought your organisation to a commendable level of maturity. Now, it’s time to take the next step and showcase the fruits of your hard work towards relevant stakeholders.

Introducing the CRANIUM GDPR Audit—a solution that highlights and validates your organisation’s dedication to privacy for both management and clients. This independent audit not only demonstrates the exact position of your organisation in terms of GDPR compliance, but also shows your stakeholders that their data is in capable hands.

What is the CRANIUM GDPR Audit?

The CRANIUM GDPR Audit is an independent framework that demonstrates and assures your organisation’s commitment towards privacy. More than just a compliance check, the GDPR Audit also serves as a comprehensive tracker, pinpointing potential areas of improvement within your organisation.

A mature organisation produces mature products. Instead of solely focussing on a singular product, we prioritise the evaluation of the management system as a whole. This audit involves a comprehensive examination of the technical and organisational measures, set by your organisation, to ensure the adequate protection of the data. This examination is based on our very own GDPR compliance framework. 

Benefits of the GDPR Audit

Continuous Improvement

Gain valuable insights in your organisation’s GDPR status and improve its maturity.

Independent Stamp of Approval

Get external verification of your efforts towards GDPR compliance and showcase it to the world.

Demonstrate Accountability

Demonstrate GDPR compliance and accountability towards management, clients and authorities.

What does the Compliance Framework used in the GDPR Audit consist of? 

The CRANIUM GDPR Framework consists of 8 key domains, each broken down into chapters and specific controls. These domains cover crucial aspects of GDPR compliance, including:

  • Awareness and communication
  • Processing activities
  • Rights of the data subject
  • Relationships with external parties
  • Transfers to third countries
  • Personal data breaches
  • Data protection by design
  • Technical and organisational measures

In total, we examine approximately 60 measures through the framework.

Aside from this, we also offer guidance on how you can be compliant with each control.

Methodology for the GDPR Audit

We evaluate the maturity of your GDPR practices based on our own CRANIUM GDPR Framework. This framework has been based on the internationally recognised Capability Maturity Model (CMM).

The audit itself is divided into two parts:

  1. Kick-off and Document analysis: we check if the organisation’s maturity before carrying out the audit
  2. Audit through internal interviews with stakeholders and testing

The outcome is a detailed audit report with an assurance statement indicating the maturity level regarding GDPR compliance for a clearly defined scope, including:

  • Scope Statement
  • Report & executive summary
  • Stamp of Approval to be used on your website or in your communication efforts
  • Assurance statement

Do you want more information? 

Do you want more information on our Privacy solutions, an offer or a commitment-free conversation about your needs?
Reach out through the form below or give us a call: +32 2 310 39 63.


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