DPO as a Service: Outsource your privacy efforts.

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Outsource your privacy operations and mitigate operational privacy risks.

A DPO or Data Protection Officer is the contact point for all questions regarding the processing of personal data. Deploying the services of a DPO is often the next logical step to further optimise your privacy operations. Whether you are legally obligated to assign a data protection officer or not, collaborating with an external DPO allows you to:

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be cost-efficient.

Meet legal privacy obligations in cost-efficient way without overspending.


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be objective.

Delegate your privacy risks to an external expert that is not directly influenced by your stakeholders.

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be compliant.

Remain compliant with privacy legislation.



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be focused.

Put focus on your core business while still reaping the benefits of a privacy-compliant organisation.

How does our DPO as a Service work? 

Our CRANIUM DPO monitors your processes and ensures they remain in line with legislation.

Based on your needs and resources, we determine the number of hours or days per week needed for the DPO to achieve the objectives.

After a kick-off presentation to introduce the assigned consultant, our DPO monitors your customers’ privacy-related processes, makes sure they remain in line with updates in legislation and reports back in due time.

He/she can also rely on our privacy and security services and team. This support includes follow-up on key operational privacy activities such as maintaining records of processing activities or technical and organisational measures, assisting in DPIA’s, awareness training, etc.

Communication is key! We keep you up to speed through

  • Bi-weekly or monthly Privacy Status Report to key customer SPOCs
  • Annual Privacy Activities Plan & report presented to customer management
  • Annual Review & Update of privacy-related documentation

Cost-efficient compliance

Our CRANIUM DPO takes care of your privacy operations for you. As such, you are able to cost-efficiently maintain your current privacy compliance status and meet legal privacy obligations, without losing focus on your core business.

Discover how we helped Port of Antwerp Bruges with DPO as a Service.

The merger between the ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge became official at the end of April 2022. Of course, preparations for this fusion had been brewing for much longer, both operationally, organisationally and administratively. To manage everything in terms of GDPR and data protection, Europe’s second largest port called on CRANIUM for their DPO as a Service. 

Want to give your privacy efforts an extra boost? 

Consider our newest solution: Privacy as a Service Premium. Through this service you get support from a registered DPO, together with a fully integrated privacy management tool. This way, you save time and money and accelerate your privacy efforts.

privacy as a service

CRANIUM Services are recognized by the Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship agency. This makes it possible for you as an SME to use the ‘SME Portfolio’ when using our services.


Do you want more information? 

Do you want more information on our Privacy solutions, an offer or a commitment-free conversation about your needs?
Reach out through the form below or give us a call: +32 2 310 39 63.


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