
Ensuring GDPR compliance for international business.

GDPR Representative
GDPR Representative
GDPR Representative
GDPR Representative

Understanding the role & importance of a GDPR Representative.

What is a
GDPR Representative?

A GDPR Representative (or EU Representative) is a designated entity or individual appointed by a non-European Union (EU) or non-European Economic Area (EEA) business, to act as their representative in handling personal data of EU residents to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This partner serves as a-point-of-contact for EU supervisory authorities and data subjects, ensuring effective communication and cooperation regarding data protection matters.

The GDPR Representative helps businesses without a physical presence in the EU, meet their legal obligations and ensures accountability.

Benefits of a GDPR Representative.


Gain valuable insights in your organisation’s GDPR status and improve its maturity.


Get external verification of your efforts towards GDPR compliance and showcase it to the world.


Lean on the expertise of our data protection professionals who specialise in GDPR requirements.

Our GDPR Representative solution.

The CRANIUM GDPR Representative solutions offers you peace of mind as our consultant will provide all necessary representation.

01 - Data Subject Requests

We are the point of contact for ALL your EU data subject requests (DSRs). No matter in which country your EU data subjects are located, we will take care of all requests coming from citizens of the EEA. In coordination with you, we will handle all your EU DSRs with care.

Service desk

How GDPR Representative works.

1. Initial onboarding

Kickstart your GDPR compliance journey by providing essential information and expectations during the initial onboarding process.

2. Appointing your GDPR Representative

We ensure your GDPR compliance by appointing a qualified GDPR Representative who will act as your trusted point of contact for EU authorities and data subjects.

3. Ongoing monitoring

Receive ongoing monitoring and support from CRANIUM, ensuring continuous compliance and swift response to any emerging data protection challenges.


Elise Habib


Manager & Senior Privacy Consultant

Helena Peten de Pina Prata


Privacy Consultant

Wies Cipido


Senior Privacy Consultant

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a GDPR Representative?

Any non-European Union (EU) or non-European Economic Area (EEA) business that processes personal data of individuals residing in the EU, regardless of its location, needs to appoint a GDPR Representative.

This requirement applies to businesses offering goods or services to EU residents or monitoring their behaviour. By appointing a GDPR Representative, these businesses ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and facilitate effective communication with EU supervisory authorities and data subjects.

Interested in working together?

Do you want more information on our Privacy solutions, an offer or a commitment-free conversation about your needs?

Request a GDPR Representative here.

We care about your privacy. Unless you sign op to join our community, we will use this data solely to answer your request. For more information on how we process and care for your data, you can read our privacy statement.